Thursday, April 24, 2008

NetRumble Screenshots

Here are some screen shots of the game with the original view port and the current one (scaled to half the size).

Original game play view


Zoomed out and circles added (draft)

NetRumble-modified-VFC NetRumble-modified-VFC-missile

NetRumble - fixed bugs & new features

List of fixed bugs in NetRumble Starter Kit:

  • The game couldn't find network sessions. This bug is already fixed in the latest version available from the XNA Creators Club online.
    File: MainMenuScreen.cs
    Method: FindSession
  • - searchResultsScreen = new SearchResultsScreen(NetworkSessionType.PlayerMatch); 
    + searchResultsScreen = new SearchResultsScreen(sessionType);
  • Projectiles could pass the barriers
    File: CollisionMath.cs
    Method: CircleRectangleCollide
  • - if((distance > 0) && (distance < radius)) 
    + if((distance >= 0) && (distance < radius))

New features added:

  • Full screen view - hard-coded for now, will add as an option in menus;
  • Configured to use current windows resolution;
  • Scaled the game world so it's possible to view a larger portion of the arena;
  • Circles with different radius and colors around the player's ship (for now these are mere drafts but will correspond to the consistency areas)
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In this blog I'll be posting the work I'll be doing for my masters dissertation in Computer Science and Engineering which I'll be doing at INESC-id and Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon.

The main goal of this project is to adapt and implement Vector-Field Consistency model in the communication used in a multi-player game.

I'll be using a XNA starter kit game: NetRumble, a two-dimensional shooter where, originally, up to sixteen players compete online in a death match arena filled with asteroids and power-ups.

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